History of Zone Therapy
Zone Therapy, in some form, has been practiced as a healing method for thousands of years. It has come and gone with the rise and fall of civilizations. Hieroglyphics and ancient paintings depicting this therapy have been found in Egypt and India. The modern history of Zone Therapy begins with Dr. William Fitzgerald, (1872-1946) an American nose and throat specialist. He developed a theory describing the electrical circuits or meridians in the body. Dr. Edwin Bowers documented his work. In the 1950`s a Norwegian named Dr. Charles Ersdal, M.D., M.A., was cured from paralysis using Zone Therapy. This experience thrust him into 26 years of intense research.
He determined that the body contains its own innate healing intelligence which is stimulated or triggered through specific and intricate Foot Zone Therapy. This method utilizes the feet’s natural “signal” system to establish balance, elevate your life energy and renew cells in the body. Importantly, he discovered that the body would consistently respond as a dynamically interrelated whole rather than as separate symptomatic parts. During this time of research, Dr. Ersdal was able to chart the human anatomy as it relates to these “points” on the foot. He charted the entire physiology including the brain, blood and lymph circulation, and musculature.
This was a great breakthrough because it is the brain to which information from the foot is sent via Foot Zone Therapy. In turn the brain makes the corrections to your whole health system. Remember, the entire body is run by instruction from the brain. Zone Therapy has been found to be a “signal”, or electro-magnetic system, rather than a reflex system and treats the body holistically rather than symptomatically. Plus, the body is always treated in its entirety. Thus no partial zone treatments are advised.
It is extremely important that your Zone Therapy treatment should be administered by a Certified Zone Therapist. Much more occurs during a session than meets your eye or awareness, and practitioner experience is essential to achieving the full physical, mental and emotional benefit. A session typically lasts for 45-55 minutes. Multiple and consistent sessions over a two month period are recommended to detoxify and establish the bodies restorative process. After this period, yourself and the therapist will determine a schedule based on your individual needs and condition. You will find that your body will tell you when it’s time for a Zone.